About Airpath
Airpath Engineering

Airpath Testing Services

Our NEBB Certified Professionals and NEBB Certified Technicians have expertise in executing successful Testing Adjusting and Balancing (T.A.B) programs from out of the ground new construction HVAC systems, to existing building ventilation compliance and comfort balancing. The Airpath staff is trained to perform T.A.B, Sound Level, Vibration Level, blower door, building pressurization, and Duct Leakage Testing Services. All Airpath personnel are trained according to the NEBB procedural standards for implementation of testing methods and equations needed to provide performance measurements in all measurement applications. Our staff of certified professionals and certified technicians perform annual training and attend seminars to keep current with the best practices of our industry.
A successful project is one in which the owner, contractor, and end user are satisfied. Stakeholder satisfaction is achieved with an HVAC system that is operating with the design intent met and the end user ideally comfortable and in good spirits. Our engineering team integrates with our field-testing services staff and client personnel to provide engineered solutions. This full-service approach to provide solutions for the client’s HVAC operational and performance goals is proven and repeatable.

Airpath Group

Whether you need to identify opportunities to improve occupant comfort and ventilation, track and improve indoor air quality, or carry out clean energy initiatives pinpointing which of your facilities is using the most energy and when, Airpath Group can bring clarity and evidence-based solutions. Key areas we can help you manage include:
- Accurate metering - Enables you to identify and quantify issues and resolve them, providing fiscal data for your business case and investment.
- Plant Boiler and Chiller Plant control strategies - Implementing Energy monitors could achieve savings of up to 30%.
- Condensate return - By recycling the energy flash steam and liquid condensate, it is possible to cut the amount of fuel used in steam boilers by 25%.
- Control logic - Key performance data such as steam use, fuel consumption, and plant temperature help operators to monitor energy use more closely and adjust the system to optimize efficiency.