Scope: All interior spaces and mechanical equipment
The General Assembly is the central organ. This is where all 191 Member States can gather to discuss the pressing problems of our times, most of which involve many countries or continents and therefore require international cooperation.
The General Assembly Hall is the largest room in the United Nations, with seating capacity for over 1,800 people. The design of the room was a collaborative effort by the team of 11 architects that designed Headquarters, and to emphasize the international character of the room it contains no gift from any Member State.
Airpath performed multi-band acoustical analysis of all public and office spaces within the facility, graphing and comparing the baseline sound levels in an unoccupied mode and sound levels of during normal HVAC operation. The NC criteria for each interior space was listed and compared against the field results.
Vibration level testing was measured was performed on all equipment over 3 HP. A tri-axial measurement was taken on the motors, fan housing, unit casing, and a building adjacent structural supports for the HVAC equipment. The goal is to identify bearing degradation and fan imbalance to determine if remediation is required or to identify equipment which should be monitored for rough operation as the units progresses through its life cycle.